テスラ AI DAY スーパーカット









テスラに唯一近いアプローチを採用している企業は、ジョージ・ホッツのC3.AI (シンボル $AI)ですが、フォーカスしている市場が異なること、データ収集においてはお話にならないことなど、自動運転に関してはテスラに大きく引き離されています。


















what we want to show today is that tesla is much more than an electric car company that we have deep AI activity in hardware on the inference level on the training level


we're arguably the leaders in real world AI as it applies to the real world those of you who have seen the full self-driving beta i can appreciate


the rate at which the tesla neural net is learning to drive this is


a particular application of AI but there's more


there are applications down the road that will make sense


i want to encourage anyone who is interested in solving real-world AI problems at either the hardware or the software level to join tesla or consider joining tesla



i lead the vision team here at tesla autopilot and i'm incredibly excited to be here to kick off this section


giving you a technical deep dive into the autopilot stack and showing you all the under the hood components that go into making the car drive by itself in the vision


component what we're trying to do is we're trying to design a neural network that processes the raw information


which in our case is the eight cameras that are positioned around the vehicle and they send those images and we need to process that in real time into the vector space


and this is a three-dimensional representation of everything you need for driving


so this is the three-dimensional positions of lines edges curbs traffic signs traffic lights cars their positions orientations depth velocities and so on




here i'm showing the video of the raw inputs that come into the stack and then neural net processes that into the vector space


and you are seeing parts of that vector space rendered in the instrument cluster on the car


what i find fascinating about this is that we are effectively building a synthetic animal from the ground up


the car can be thought as an animal.


it moves around it senses the environment and acts autonomously and intelligently


we are building all the components from scratch in-house


so we are building all the mechanical components of the body the nervous system which is all the electrical components


and for our purposes the brain of the autopilot and specifically for this section the synthetic visual cortex


now the biological visual cortex actually has quite intricate(入り組んだ) structure and a number of areas that organize the information flow of the human brain


in your visual cortexes light hits the retina(網膜)


it goes through the LGN all the way to the back of your visual cortex


then goes through areas v1 v2 v4 the IT


the venture on the dorsal streams and


the information is organized in a certain layout


when we are designing the visual cortex of the car


we also want to design the neural network architecture of how the information flows in the system




the processing starts when light hits our artificial retina and we are going to process this information with neural networks


now i'm going to roughly organize this section chronologically(年代順に)


starting off with the neural networks


what they looked like four years ago when i joined the team and how they have developed over time


four years ago the car was mostly driving in a single lane going forward on the highway


and it had to keep lane and it had to keep distance away from the car in front of us


and at that time all of processing was only on individual image level


so a single image has to be analyzed by a neural net


and make little pieces of the vector space


process that into little pieces of the vector space


so this processing took the following shape


we take 1280 by 960 input and this is 12 bit integers streaming in at roughly 36 hertz


now we're going to process that with the neural network




so instantiate(インスタンス化する) a feature extractor backbone



in this case we use residual neural networks


we have a stem and a number of residual blocks connected in series


now the specific class of resnets that we use are called regnets


regnets offer a very nice design space for neural networks


because they allow you to nicely trade off latency and accuracy





now these regnets give us a number of features as an output at different resolutions in different scales


so in particular on the very bottom of this feature hierarchy


we have very high resolution information with very low channel counts


and all the way at the top we have low spatial,low resolution but high channel counts


so on the bottom we have a lot of neurons that are really scrutinizing the detail of the image


and on the top we have neurons that can see most of the image and have a lot of that scene context




then we like to process this with feature pyramid networks(フィーチャーピラミッドネットワーク:FPN)


in our case we like to use BiFPNs


residual NN = Regnets

feature pyramid networks = BiFPNs


and they get to multiple scales to talk to each other effectively and share a lot of information


so for example if you're a neuron all the way down in the network


you're looking at a small patch and you're not sure this is a car or not


ihelps from the top players are useful


like hey you are actually in the vanishing point of this highway


and so you can disambiguate that this is probably a car




after BiFPN and a feature fusion across scales


then we go into task specific heads(単体のヘッド)


so for example if you are doing object detection


we have a one stage yolo like object detector here


where we initialize a raster(ラスターイメージ) and there's a binary bit per position telling you whether or not there's a car


and then in addition to that if there is a car


here's a bunch of other attributes you might be interested in


so the x y with height offset or any of the other attributes like what type of a car is this and so on


so this is for the detection by itself




now very quickly we discovered that we don't just want to detect cars


we want to do a large number of tasks


for example we want to do traffic light recognition and detection a lane prediction and so on


quickly we converge in this kind of architectural layout


where there's a common shared backbone and then branches off into a number of heads


so we call these therefore hydranets and these are the heads of the hydra


this architectural layout has a number of benefits



number one because of the feature sharing we can amortize the forward pass inference in the car at test time and so this is very efficient to run


because if we had to have a backbone for every single task that would be a lot of backbones in the car



number two this decouples all of the tasks so we can individually work on every one task in isolation


and for example we can upgrade any of the data sets or change some of the architecture of the head and so on


and you are not impacting any of the other tasks and so we don't have to revalidate all the other tasks which can be expensive



and number three because there's this bottleneck here in features


so we cache these features to disk and


when we are doing these fine tuning workflows, we only fine-tune from the cached features up and we only fine tune the heads


in terms of our training workflows


we will do an end-to-end training run 


once in a while where we train everything jointly


then we cache the features at the multi-scale feature level


and then we fine-tune off of that for a while


and then end-to-end train once again and so on




so here's predictions that we were obtaining several years ago from one of these hydro nets


again we are processing individual images and we're making a large number of predictions about these images


here you can see predictions of the stop signs the stop lines the lines the edges the cars the traffic lights the curbs whether or not the car is parked all of the static objects like trash cans cones and so on and


everything here is coming out of the Hydra net


so that was all fine and great


but as we worked towards FSD we quickly found that this is not enough


where this first started to break(ほころび始めた、破綻し始めた) was when we started to work on smart summon(スマート・サモンで)


i am showing some of the predictions of only the curb detection task


and i'm showing it for every one of the cameras


so we'd like to wind our way around the parking lot to find the person who is summoning the car


now the problem is that you can't just directly drive on image space predictions (カメラ画像により表示されている映像(2D)、その中をドライブしていくやり方ではうまくいかなかった。)


you actually need to cast them out and form a vector space around you


〇 オキュパンシートラッカー(ダメ)


we attempted to do this using c++ and developed the occupancy tracker(オキュパンシー・トラッカー) at the time


here we see that the curb detections from the images are being stitched up across camera scenes across camera boundaries


and over time there have been two major problems with the setup



number one we very quickly discovered that tuning the occupancy tracker and all of its hyper parameters was extremely complicated


you don't want to do this explicitly by hand in c++


you want this to be inside the neural network and train that end-to-end



number two we very quickly discovered that the image space is not the correct output space


you don't want to make predictions in image space


you really want to make it directly in the vector space




here's a way of illustrating the issue


i'm showing on the first row the predictions of our curves


and our lines in red and blue they look great in the image


but once you cast them out into the vector space


things start to look really terrible and we are not going to be able to drive on this


you can see how the predictions are quite bad and the reason for this is because you need to have an extremely accurate depth per pixel in order to actually do this projection



and so you can imagine just how high of the bar it is


to predict that depth in these tiny every single pixel of the image so accurately


and also if there's any occluded area where you'd like to make predictions


you will not be able to predict it because it's not an image space concept





the other problems with this is also for object detection


if you are only making predictions per camera then sometimes you will encounter cases like this


where a single car actually spans five of the eight cameras(8カメラ中5カメラをスパンする車両)


so if you are making individual predictions


then since no single camera sees all of the car and you're not going to be able to do a very good job of predicting that whole car


and it's going to be incredibly difficult to fuse these measurements




so instead we'd like to take all of the images and simultaneously feed them into a single neural net and directly output in vector space


now this is very easily said much more difficult to achieve


but roughly we want to lay out a neural net in this way


where we process every single image with a backbone and then we want to fuse them


and we want to re-represent the features


from image space features to directly vector space features


and then go into the decoding of the head



2-1 トランスフォーマー(今流行りの手法)

so there are two problems with this problem


number one how do you actually create the neural network components that do this transformation


you have to make it differentiable so that end-to-end training is possible


2-2 ベクトル空間向けの特徴量の抽出

number two if you want vector space predictions from your neural net


you need vector-specific based data sets


just labeling images and so on is not going to get you there


you need vector space labels


for now i want to focus on the neural network architectures


i'm going to deep dive into problem number one




we're trying to have this bird's eye view prediction instead of image space predictions


for example let's focus on a single pixel in the output space in yellow


and this pixel is trying to decide


Am i part of a curb or not


where should the support for this kind of a prediction come from in the image space


we know how the cameras are positioned and


they're extrinsic and intrinsic so we can roughly project this point into the camera images


and the evidence for whether or not this is a curve may come from somewhere here in the images


the problem is that this projection is really hard to actually get correct


because it is a function of the road surface and the road surface could be sloping up or sloping down


also there could be other data dependent issues for example there could be inclusion due to a car


so if there's a car occluding this part of the image


then actually you may want to pay attention to a different part of the image


not the part where it projects


and because this is data dependent it's really hard to have a fixed transformation for this component




so in order to solve this issue we use a transformer(トランスフォーマー) to represent this space


this transformer uses multi-headed self-attention(マルチヘッド・セルフアテンション)


and blocks off it in this case


we can get away with even a single block doing a lot of this work effectively


what this does is you initialize a raster(ラスターイメージ) of the size of the output space


and you tile it with positional encodings(ポジショナル・エンコーディングズ)


with size and coses in the output space


and then these get encoded with an MLP into a set of query vectors(クエリ―ベクトル)


and then all of the images and their features also emit(放出する) their own keys and values


and then the queries keys and values feed into the multi-headed self-attention


what's happening is that every single image piece is broadcasting what it is a part of in its key


i'm part of a pillar in roughly this location


and i'm seeing this kind of stuff and that's in the key


then every query is along the lines of hey i'm a pixel in the output space at this position


and i'm looking for features of this type then the keys and the queries interact multiplicatively


and then the values get pulled accordingly


and so this re-represents(空間の再表象) the space


and we find this transformation to be very effective if you do all of the engineering correctly


this again is very easily said difficult to do


you need to do all of the engineering correctly




so one more thing you have to be careful with some of the details here when you are trying to get this to work


in particular all of our cars are slightly cockeyed in a slightly different way


and so if you're doing this transformation from image space to the output space


you really need to know what your camera calibration is


and you need to feed that into the neural net


and so you could definitely just like concatenate(文字列を結合する)the camera calibrations of all of the images


and somehow feed them in with an MLP


but we found that we can do much better by transforming all of the images into a synthetic virtual camera(シンセティック・バーチャル・カメラ)


using a special rectification(整流) transform




so this is what that would look like


we insert a new layer right above the image which is rectification layer(整流レイヤー)


it's a function of camera calibration and it translates all of the images into a virtual common camera(バーチャル・コモン・カメラ)


so if you were to average up(次々と平均値を求める) a lot of repeater images(リピーターカメラの画像) for example which faced at the back


without doing this you would get a kind of a blur


but after doing the rectification transformation(整流トランスフォーメーション)


you see that the back mirror gets really crisp(クッキリとした)


this improves the performance quite a bit




so here are some of the results on the left we are seeing what we had before


and on the right we're now seeing significantly improved predictions coming directly out of the neural net


this is a multi-camera network predicting directly in vector space


it's basically night and day you can actually drive on this


this took some time and some engineering and incredible work from the AI team to actually get this to work and deploy and make it efficient in the car


this also improved a lot of our object detection




so for example here in this video i'm showing single camera predictions in orange


and multi-camera predictions in blue


if you can't predict these cars if you are only seeing a tiny sliver of a car


your detections are not going to be very good


and their positions are not going to be good


but a multi-camera network does not have an issue


here's another video from a more nominal sort of situation


and we see that as these cars in this tight space across camera boundaries


there's a lot of jank that enters into the predictions


and the whole setup just doesn't make sense especially for very large vehicles like this one


and we can see that the multi-camera networks struggle significantly less with these kinds of predictions


so at this point we have multi-camera networks and they're giving predictions directly in vector space


but we are still operating at every single instant in time(個々の瞬間画像)  completely independently




so very quickly we discovered that there's a large number of predictions we want to make that actually require the video context and we need to figure out how to feed this into the net


in particular is this car parked or not


is it moving? how fast is it moving? is it still there? it's temporarily occluded


or for example if i'm trying to predict the road geometry ahead


it's very helpful to know the signs or the road markings that i saw 50 meters ago




so we try to insert video modules(時系列データを認識するビデオモジュール)into our neural network architecture and this is one of the solutions that we've merged on


 we have the multi-scale features as we had them from before


and what we are going to now insert is a feature queue module(フィーチャー・キュー・モジュール)


that is going to cache some of these features over time


and then a video module that is going to fuse this information temporally


and then we're going to continue into the heads that do the decoding


now i'm going to go into both of these blocks one by one


also in addition notice here that we are also feeding in the kinematics(キネマティクス/運動学)


this is basically the velocity and the acceleration that's telling us about how the car is moving


so not only are we going to keep track of what we're seeing from all the cameras


but also how the car has traveled




so here's the feature cue and the rough layout of it


we are basically concatenating(連結する) these features over time


and the kinematics of how the car has moved


and the positional encodings and that's being concatenated encoded and stored in a feature queue


and that's going to be consumed by a video module


now there's a few details again to get right


in particular with respect to the pop and push mechanisms


and when do you push




here's a cartoon diagram illustrating some of the challenges


there's going to be the ego cars coming from the bottom and coming up to this intersection here


and then traffic is going to start crossing in front of us


and it's going to temporarily start occluding some of the cars ahead


and then we're going to be stuck at this intersection for a while and just waiting our turn


this is something that happens all the time and it's a cartoon representation of the challenges


so number one with respect to the feature queue and when we want to push into a queue


obviously we'd like to have a time-based queue


where for example we enter the features into the queue say every 27 milliseconds


and so if a car gets temporarily occluded


then the neural network now has the power to be able to look and reference the memory in time


and learn the association that hey even though this thing looks occluded right now


there's a record of it in my previous features


and i can use this to still make a detection


for example suppose you're trying to make predictions about the road surface and the road geometry ahead


and you're trying to predict that i'm in a turning lane and the lane next to us is going straight


then it's really necessary to know about the line markings and the signs


and sometimes they occur a long time ago


and if you only have a time-based queue(時間ベースのキュー) you may forget the features


while you're waiting at your red light


so in addition to a time-based queue we also have a space-based queue(空間ベースのキュー)


we push every time the car travels a certain fixed distance


in this case we have a time based queue and a space-based queue to feed to cache our features


and that continues into the video module




now for the video module we looked at a number of possibilities of how to fuse this information temporally


so we looked at three-dimensional convolutions transformers, axial transformers



in an effort to try to make them more efficient recurrent neural networks (RNN) of a large number of flavors




i want to spend some time on is a spatial recurrent neural network video module(空間RNNビデオ・モジュール)


because of the structure of the problem we're driving on two-dimensional(2D) surfaces


we can actually organize the hidden state into a two-dimensional lattice(2Dラティス)


and then as the car is driving around


we update only the parts that are near the car and where the car has visibility


so as the car is driving around


we are using the kinematics to integrate the position of the car in the hidden features grid


and we are only updating the RNN at the points where we have that are nearby us




here's an example of what that looks like


the car is driving around


and we're looking at the hidden state of this RNN


and these are different channels in the hidden state(短期記憶、ワーキングメモリの役割を果たす)


so after optimization and training this neural net


some of the channels are keeping track of different aspects of the road


for example the centers of the road the edges the lines the road surface and so on



so this picture is looking at the mean of the first 10 channels for different traversals of different intersections in the hidden state


there's cool activity as the recurrent neural network is keeping track of what's happening at any point in time


and you can imagine that we've now given the power to the neural network


to actually selectively read this memory and write to this memory


so for example if there's a car right next to us and is occluding some parts of the road


then now the network has the ability to not to write to those locations


but when the car goes away and we have a good view


then the recurring neural net can say okay we have very clear visibility we definitely want to write information about what's in that part of space




here's a few predictions that show what this looks like


here we are making predictions about the road boundaries in red


intersection areas in blue road centers and so on so


we're only showing a few of the predictions here


just to keep the visualization clean


and yeah this is done by the spatial RNN(空間RNN)


and this is only showing a single clip


a single traversal but you can imagine there could be multiple trips through here


and number of cars a number of clips could be collaborating to build this map


which is an HD map


except it's not in a space of explicit items


The “HD map”is in a space of features of a recurrent neural network


the video networks also improved our object detection





so in this example i want to show you a case where there are two cars over there and one car is going to drive by and occlude them briefly


so look at what's happening with the single frame predictions


and the video predictions as the cars pass in front of us


so that makes a lot of sense so a quick playthrough through what's happening when both of them are in view


the predictions are roughly equivalent


and you are seeing multiple orange boxes


because they're coming from different cameras


when they are occluded the single frame networks drop the detection


but the video module remembers it and we can persist the cars


and then when they are only partially occluded


the single frame network is forced to make its best guess about what it's seeing and it's forced to make a prediction and it makes a terrible prediction


but the video module knows that there's only a partial


knows that this is not a very easily visible part right now and doesn't actually take that into account




we also saw significant improvements in our ability to estimate depth and especially velocity


so here i'm showing a clip from our remove the radar push


where we are seeing the radar depth and velocity in green


and we were trying to match or even surpass the signal just from video networks alone


and what you're seeing here is in orange


we are seeing a single frame performance


and in blue we are seeing again video modules and so you see that the quality of depth is much higher


and for velocity


the orange signal, you can't get velocity out of a single frame network


so we just differentiate depth to get that but the video module is right on top of the radar signal


and so we found that this worked extremely well for us




so here's putting everything together this is what our architectural roughly looks like today


we have raw images feeding on the bottom


they go through a rectification layer to correct for camera calibration


and put everything into a common virtual camera


we pass them through regnet's (residual networks) to process them into a number of features at different scales


we fuse the multi-scale information with BiFPN


this goes through transformer module to re-represent it into the vector space


in the output space this feeds into a feature queue in time


or space that gets processed by a video module like the spatial rnn


and then continues into the branching structure of the hydra net


with trunks and heads for all the different tasks


so that's the architecture roughly what it looks like today


and on the right you are seeing some of its predictions which visualize both in a top-down vector space


and also in images this architecture has been definitely complexified from just very simple image-based single network about three or four years ago


and continues to evolve


now there's still opportunities for improvements that the team is actively working on


you'll notice that our fusion of time and space is fairly late in neural network terms


we can do earlier fusion of space or time

and do cost volumes or optical flow like networks on the bottom


or our outputs are dense rasters(ラスタ)


and it's actually pretty expensive to post-process some of these dense rasters in the car


and we are under very strict latency requirements so this is not ideal


we actually are looking into all kinds of ways of predicting


just the sparse structure(スパース・ストラクチャー) of the road


maybe point by point or in some other fashion that is that doesn't require expensive post processing


but this basically is how you achieve a very nice vector space








hi everyone my name is ashok i lead the planning and controls auto labeling and simulation teams


the visual networks take dense video data and then compress it down into a 3D vector space


the role of the planner is to consume this vector space and get the car to the destination while maximizing the safety comfort and the efficiency of the car


even back in 2019 our planner was pretty capable driver


it was able to stay in the lanes make lane changes as necessary


and take exits of the highway


but cdc(市街地) driving is much more complicated


there are structured lane lines and vehicles do much more free from driving


then the car has to respond to all of curtains and crossing vehicles and pedestrians doing funny things




what is the key problem in planning


1,number one the action space is very non-convex(非凸型) and



2,number two it is high dimensional


what I mean by non-convex is there can be multiple possible solutions that can be independently good but getting a globally consistent solution is pretty tricky


so there can be pockets of local minima that the planning can get stucked into


and secondly the high dimensionality comes because the car needs to plan for the next 10 to 15 seconds


and needs to produce the position velocities and acceleration or this entire window


there are many parameters to be produced at runtime


discrete search(離散検索、個別探索) methods are really great at solving non-convex problems


because they are discrete they don't get stuck in local minima(局所最小、局所最適、部分最適)


whereas continuous function optimization(連続最適化) can easily get stuck in local minima and


produce poor solutions that are not great


on the other hand for high dimensional problems


a discrete search sucks


because it does not use any graded information(グレーディド・インフォ) so literally has to go and explore each point to know how good it is


whereas continuous optimization use gradient-based methods(確率勾配法) to very quickly go to a good solution




our solution to this problem is to break it down hierarchically


first use a coarse search method(コアース・サーチ) to crunch down(踏みつける、かみ砕く) the non-convexity and come up with a convex corridor



and then use continuous optimization techniques to make the final smooth trajectory





let's see an example of how the search operates


so here we're trying to do a lane change


in this case the car needs to do two back-to-back(連続) lane changes to make the left turn up ahead


for this the car searches over different maneuvers


the first one is a lane change that's close by


but the car breaks pretty harshly so it's pretty uncomfortable


the next maneuver tried is the lane change


it speeds up 


goes in front of the other cars and do the lane change bit late


but now it risks missing the left turn


we do thousands of such searches in a very short time span


because these are all physics-based models these futures are very easy to simulate


and in the end we have a set of candidates and we finally choose one based on the optimality conditions of safety comfort and easily making the turn


so now the car has chosen this path


and you can see that as the car executes this trajectory


it matches what we had planned


the cyan(水色) plot on the right side is the actual velocity of the car


and the white line be underneath was a plan


so we are able to plan for 10 seconds here and able to match that when you see in hindsight(後知恵、後付け、後から)


so this is a well-made plan




when driving alongside other agents it's important to not just plan for ourselves but instead we have to plan for everyone jointly


and optimize for the overall scenes traffic flow


in order to do this what we do is we literally run the autopilot planner on every single relevant object in the scene





here's an example of why that's necessary


this is an auto corridor i'll let you watch the video for a second


there was autopilot driving an auto corridor going around parked cars cones and poles


here there's a 3D view of the same thing


the oncoming car arrives now and autopilot slows down a little bit


but then realizes that we cannot yield to them because we don't have any space to our side but the other car can yield to us instead


so instead of just blindly breaking here


they can pull over and should yield to us because we cannot yield to them


and assertively(自信を持って) makes progress


a second oncoming car arrives now this vehicle has higher velocity


we literally run the autopilot planner for the other object


so in this case we run the panel for them that object's plan


now goes around their parked cars


and then after they pass the parked cars goes back to the right side of the road for them


since we don't know what's in the mind of the driver


we actually have multiple possible futures for this car


one future is shown in red the other one is shown in green


and the green one is a plan that yields to us


but since this object's velocity and acceleration are pretty high


we don't think that this person is going to yield to us


and they are actually going to go around these parked cars


so autopilot decides that okay i have space here


this person's definitely gonna come so i'm gonna pull over


so as autopilot is pulling over we notice that


the car has chosen to yield to us


based on their yaw rate and their acceleration


and autopilot immediately changes his mind


and continues to make progress


this is why we need to plan for everyone


because otherwise we wouldn't know that this person is going to go around the other parked cars


and come back to their side


if we didn't do this autopilot would be too timid(臆病)


and would not be a practical self-driving car






so now we saw how the search and planning for other people set up a convex valley


finally we do a continuous optimization to produce the final trajectory


that the planning needs to take


the gray width area is the convex corridor(コンベクス・コリドー)


and we initialize the spline in heading and acceleration


parameterized or the arc length of the plan


and you can see that continuously the compromisation makes fine-grained changes to reduce all of its costs


some of the costs are distance from obstacles traversal time and comfort


for comfort you can see that the lateral acceleration plots on the right have nice trapezoidal shapes


on the right side the green plot that's a nice trapezoidal(台形の) shape


and if you record on a human trajectory


this is pretty much how it looked like


the lateral(側面、側部) jerk(躍度、加加速度、単位時間あたりの加速度の変化率) is also minimized


so in summary we do a search for both us and everyone else in the scene


we set up a convex corridor and then optimize for a smooth path


together these can do some really neat things like shown above




but driving looks a bit different in other places like where i grew up from


it's very much more unstructured cars and pedestrians cutting each other harsh braking honking it's a crazy world


we can try to scale up these methods but it's going to be really difficult to efficiently solve this at runtime(運転しているその瞬間ごとに)


instead what we want to do is using learning based methods


and i want to show why this is true


so we're going to go from this complicated problem to a much simpler toy parking problem


but still illustrates the core of the issue


here this is a parking lot, the ego car is in blue and needs to park in the green parking spot here


so it needs to go around the curbs the parked cars and the cones shown in orange here


there's a simple baseline it's A-star


A-star is the standard algorithm that uses a ladder space search(ラダースペースサーチ)


and in this case the heuristic here is the Euclidean distance to the goal




you can see that it directly shoots towards the goal but very quickly gets trapped in a local minima and it backtracks(引き返す) from there


and then searches a different path to try to go around this parked car


eventually it makes progress and gets to the goal but it ends up using 400,000 nodes for making this


obviously this is a terrible heuristic


we want to do better than this




so if you added a navigation route to it and has the car to follow the navigation route


while being close to the goal this is what happens


the navigation route helps immediately


but still when it encounters cones or other obstacles


it basically does that same thing as before


backtracks and then searches the whole new path


this poor search has no idea that these obstacles exist


it literally has to go there and has to check if it's in collision


and if it's in collision then back up


the navigation heuristic helped but still took 22,000 nodes


we can design more these heuristics to help the search make go faster


but it's really tedious(うんざり、退屈) and hard to design a globally optimal heuristic


even if you had a distance function from the cones that guided the search


this would only be effective for the single cone




what we need is a global value function(グローバル・バリュー関数)


so instead of what we want to use is neural networks to give this heuristic for us


the vision networks produces vector space and we have cars moving around in the vector space


this looks like a atari game and it's a multiplayer version


so we can use techniques such as alpha zero etc that was used to solve GO and other atari games to solve the same problem


so we're working on neural networks that can produce state and action distributions


that can then be plugged into Monte-Carlo Tree Search(モンテ・カルロ・ツリーサーチ) with various cost functions


some of the cost functions can be explicit cost functions


like distance, collisions, comfort, traversal time etc


but they can also be interventions from the actual manual driving events


we train such a network for this simple parking problem


so here again same problem




let's see how MCTモンテカルロツリー) searched us


so here you notice that the plan is basically able to make progress towards the goal in one shot


to notice that this is not even using a navigation heuristic just given the scene


the plan is able to go directly towards the goal


all the other options you're seeing are possible options


it does not choose any of them just using the option that directly takes it towards the goal


the reason is that the neural network is able to absorb the global context of the scene


and then produce a value function that effectively guides it towards the global minima(全体最適)


as opposed to getting stuck in any local minima


so this only takes 288 nodes



and several orders of magnitude less than what was done in the A-star with the equilibrium distance heuristic




this is what a final architecture is going to look like


the vision system is going to crush down the dense video data into a vector space


it's going to be consumed by both an expressive planner and a neural network planner


in addition to this


the neural network planner can also consume intermediate features of the network


together this producer trajectory distribution


and it can be optimized end to end both with explicit cost functions(顕示コスト関数) and human intervention and other data


this then goes into explicit planning function(顕示プランニング関数)


that does whatever is easy for that and produces the final steering and acceleration commands for the car


with that we need to now explain how we train these networks


and for training these networks we need large data sets




the story of data sets is critical


so far we've talked only about neural networks but neural networks only establish an upper bound on your performance


many of these neural networks have hundreds of millions of parameters and these hundreds of millions of parameters they have to be set correctly


if you have a bad setting of parameters it's not going to work


so neural networks are just an upper bound


you also need massive data sets to actually train the correct algorithms inside them


now in particular I mentioned we want data sets directly in the vector space


and so the question becomes how can you accumulate


because our networks have hundreds millions of parameters


how do you accumulate millions and millions of vector space examples


that are clean and diverse to train these neural networks effectively


so there's a story of data sets and how they've evolved


on the side of all of the models and developments that we've achieved


when i joined roughly four years ago we were working with a third party to obtain a lot of our data sets


unfortunately we found quickly that working with a third party to get data sets for something this critical was just not going to cut it


the latency of working with a third party was extremely high and honestly the quality was not amazing and so in the spirit of full vertical integration at tesla


we brought all of the labeling in-house and


over time we've grown more than one thousand person data labeling org


that is full of professional labelers who are working very closely with the engineers


so actually they're here in the us and co-located with the engineers here in the area as well


and so we work very closely with them and we also build all of the infrastructure ourselves for them from scratch


so we have a team we are going to meet later today that develops and maintains all of this infrastructure for data labeling


for example i'm showing some of the screenshots of some of the latency throughput and quality statistics that we maintain about all of the labeling workflows


and the individual people involved and all the tasks and how the numbers of labels are growing over time


we found this to be quite critical and we're very proud of this




in the beginning roughly three or four years ago most of our labeling was in image space(2D labeling)

and this takes quite time to annotate(注釈をつける、ラベリングする) an image like this


and this is what it looked like where we are drawing polygons and polylines


on top of these single individual images


as we need millions of vector space labels


this method is not going to cut it






quickly we graduated to three-dimensional or four-dimensional labeling


where we directly label in vector space(多変数空間) not in individual images


so here is a clip and you see a very small reconstruction of the ground plane on which the car drove


and a little bit of the point cloud here that was reconstructed


and what you're seeing here is that the labeler is changing the labels directly in vector space


and then we are reprojecting those changes into camera images



so we're labeling directly in vector space and this gave us a massive increase in throughput


because if it is labeled once in 3D and then you get to reproject


but even this was actually not going to cut it


because people and computers have different pros and cons


so people are extremely good at things like semantics but computers are very good at geometry reconstruction triangulation tracking


and for us it's much more becoming a story of how do humans and computers collaborate to actually create these vector space data sets


and so we're going to now talk about auto labeling which is the infrastructure we've developed for labeling these clips at scale






even though we have lots of human labelers


the amount of training data needed for training the network significantly outnumbers them


we invested in a massive auto labeling pipeline


here's an example of how we label a single clip


a clip is entity that has dense sensor data


like videos,IMU data,GPS automatically etc


this can be 45 second to a minute long


these can be uploaded by our own engineering cars or from customer cars


we collect these clips and then send them to our servers


where we run a lot of neural networks offline to produce intermediate results


like segmentation masks depth point matching etc


this then goes to a lot of robotics and AI algorithms to produce a final set of labels


that can be used to train the networks




one of the first tasks we want to label is the road surface


typically we can use splines or meshes to represent the road surface


but because of the topology restrictions


those are not differentiable and not amenable(従順) to producing this


so what we do instead from last year is in the style of neural radiance fields work (NeRF:ニューラルネットワークによる三次元空間表現手法)


we use an implicit representation to represent the road surface


here we are querying xy points on the ground


and asking for the network to predict the height of the ground surface


along with various semantics(セマンティクス:個々の部分の意味) such as curves lane boundaries road surface rival space etc


given a single xy we get a z together these make a 3D point


and they can be re-projected into all the camera views


so we make millions of such queries and get lots of points


these points are re-projected into all the camera views


on the top right here, we are showing one such camera image with all these points re-projected


now we can compare this re-projected point with the image space prediction of the segmentations


and jointly optimizing this all the camera views across space and time


and produces an excellent reconstruction



here's an example of how that looks like


so here this is an optimized road surface that is reproduction to the eight cameras that the car has


and across all of time


and you can see how it's consistent across both space and time




so a single car driving through some location can sweep out some patch around the trajectory using this technique


but we don't have to stop there


so here we collected different clips from different cars at the same location


and each of fleet sweeps out some part of the road




now we can bring them all together into a single giant optimization


so here these 16 different trips are organized


using various features such as road edges lane lines


all of them should agree with each other


and also agree with all of their image space observations


together this produces an effective way to label the road surface


not just where the car drove but also in other locations that it hasn't driven


the point of this is not to build HD-maps or anything like that


it's only to label the clips through these intersections


so we don't have to maintain them forever


as long as the labels are consistent with the videos that they were collected


then humans can come on top of this


clean up any noise or add additional metadata to make it even richer




we don't have to stop at just the road surface


we can also arbitrarily(任意に) reconstruct 3D static obstacles


here this is a reconstructed 3D point cloud from our cameras


the main innovation here is the density of the point cloud


typically these points require texture to form associations from one frame to the next frame


but here we are able to produce these points even on textured surfaces


like the road surface or walls


and this is really useful to annotate(注釈をつけて、ラベリングすること) arbitrary obstacles


that we can see on the scene in the world


〇利点その1 後知恵


one more cool advantage of doing all of this on the servers offline is that


we have the benefit of hindsight(後知恵)


this is a super useful hack


because say in the car then the network needs to produce the velocity


it just has to use the historical information and guess what the velocity is


but here we can look at both the history but also the future


we can cheat and get the correct answer of the kinematics like velocity acceleration etc


〇利点その2 パーシステンシー


one more advantage is that we have different tracks


but we can switch them together even through occlusions


because we know the future


we have future tracks


we can match them and then associate them


here you can see the pedestrians on the other side of the road are persisted


even through multiple occlusions by these cars


this is really important for the planner


because the planner needs to know if it saw someone it still needs to account for them even they are occluded


so this is a massive advantage




combining everything together


we can produce these amazing data sets


that annotate all of the road texture all the static objects and all the moving objects even through occlusions


producing excellent kinematic labels all you can see how the cars turn smoothly


produce really smooth labels all the pedestrians are consistently tracked


the parked cars obviously zero velocity so we can know that cars are parked


so this is huge for us


this is one more example of the same thing you can see how everything is consistent


we want to produce a million labeled clips of such and train our multi-cam video networks(マルチカム・ビデオ・ネットワーク) with such a large data set


and want to crush this problem


we want to get the same view that's consistent that you're seeing in the car




we started our first exploration of this with the Remove The Radar project


we removed it in a short time span like within three months


in the early days of the network


we noticed for example in lower security conditions the network can suffer understandably


because obviously this truck just dumped a bunch of snow on us and it's really hard to see


but we should still remember that this car was in front of us


but our networks early on did not do this because of the lack of data in such conditions





so what we did was that we asked the fleet to produce lots of similar clips


and the fleet responded it


it produces lots of video clips where shit's falling out of other vehicles


and we've sent this through auto leveling pipeline


that was able to label 10k clips within a week(1週間で1万ビデオクリップのラベリング)


this would have taken several months with humans labeling


so we did this for 200 of different conditions


and we were able to very quickly create large data sets


and that's how we were able to remove radar




so once we train the networks with this data


you can see that it's totally working and keeps the memory that this object was there





finally we wanted to get a cyber truck into a data set for remove the radar


can you all guess where we got this clip from


it's rendered it's our simulation


it was hard for me to tell initially and it looks very pretty


in addition to auto labeling


we also invest heavily in using simulation for labeling our data



so this is the same scene as seen before but from a different camera angle


so a few things that i wanted to point out


for example the ground surface it's not a plane asphalt there are lots of cars and cracks and tower seams there's some patchwork done


on top of it vehicles move realistically


the truck is articulated even goes over the curb and makes a wide turn


the other cars behave smartly they avoid collisions they go around cars


and also brake and accelerate smoothly


Autopilot is driving the car with the logo on the top and it's making unprotected left turn




since it's a simulation, it starts from the vector space so it has perfect labels


here we show a few of the labels that we produce


these are vehicle cuboids with kinematics


depth surface normals segmentation but


アンドレア・カパーシー may name a new task that he wants next week


and we can very quickly produce it


because we already have the vector space and we can write the code to produce these labels quickly




so when does simulation help


  • データの入手が難しいケース

number one it helps when the data is difficult to source(手に入れる) as large as our fleet is



it can be hard to get some crazy scenes like this couple


they run with their dog running on the highway while there are other high-speed cars around


this is a rare scene but still can happen


and autopilot still needs to handle it


  • ラベリングに膨大な作業が必要な時

it helps when data is difficult to label


there are hundreds of pedestrians crossing the road


this could be a manitoban downtown people crossing the road


it's going to take several hours for humans to label this clip


and even for automatic labeling algorithms


this is really hard to get the association right


and it can produce bad velocities


but in simulation this is trivial


because you already have the objects


you just have to spit out the cuboids and the velocities


  • クローズド・ループにおける適正行動を導入したいとき

finally it helps when we introduce closed loop behavior


where are the cars and where it needs to be


in a determining situation or the data depends on the actions


this is the only way to get it reliably


all this is great





what's needed to make this happen


number one accurate sensor simulation again


the point of the simulation is not to produce pretty pictures


it needs to produce what the camera in the car would see


and what other sensors would see


here we are stepping through different exposure settings of the real camera on the left side


and the simulation on the right side


we're able to match what the real cameras do


in order to do this we had to model a lot of the properties of the camera


in our sensor simulation starting from sensor noise motion blur optical distortions even headlight transmissions even like diffraction patterns of the wind shield etc


we don't use this just for the autopilot software


we also use it to make hardware decisions such as

lens design

camera design

sensor placement or even headlight transmission properties




second we need to render the visuals in a realistic manner


you cannot have what in the game industry called jaggies


these are aliasing(エイリアシング) artifacts that are a dead giveaway


this is simulation we don't want them


so we go through a lot of paints to produce a nice special temporal anti-aliasing


we also are working on neural rendering techniques(ニューラル・レンダリング) to make this even more realistic


in addition we also used Ray-tracing to produce realistic lighting and global illumination




we obviously need more than four or five cars


because the network will easily overfit(過学習、過剰最適化)


because it knows the sizes


so we need to have realistic assets like the moves on the road


we have thousands of assets in our library


and they can wear different shirts and actually can move realistically


we also have a lot of different locations mapped and created environments


we are actually 2000 miles of road built and this is almost the length of the roadway from the east coast to the west coast of the united states


in addition we have built efficient tooling to build several miles more on a single day on a single artist


but this is just tip of the iceberg




actually as opposed to artists making these simulation scenarios


most of the data that we use to train is created procedurally using algorithms


these are all procedurally created roads with lots of parameters


such as curvature various trees cones poles cars with different velocities


and the interaction produce an endless stream of data for the network


but a lot of this data can be boring because the network may already get it correct


what we do is we also use ML based techniques to put up


for the network to see where it's failing at and to create more data around the failure points of the network


we try to make the network performance better in closed loop




so in simulation, we want to recreate any failures that happens to the autopilot


on the left side you're seeing a real clip that was collected from a car


it then goes through our auto labeling pipeline to produce a 3D reconstruction of the scene


along with all the moving objects combined with the original visual information


we recreate the same scene synthetically and create a simulation scenario entirely out of it


and then when we replay autopilot on it


autopilot can do entirely new things and


we can form new worlds new outcomes from the original failure


this is amazing because we don't want autopilot to fail in actual fleet


when it fails we want to capture it and keep it to that bar




we can also use neural rendering techniques to make it look even more realistic


we take the original video clip


we create a synthetic simulation from it and then apply neural rendering techniques on top of it


this one is very realistic and looks like it was captured by the actual cameras


i'm very excited for what simulation can achieve


but this is not all because networks trained in the car already used simulation data


we used 300million images(3億枚)  with almost half a billion labels(5億ラベル)


and we want to crush down all the tasks that are going to come up for the next several months


with that I invite ミラン to explain how we scale these operations and really build a label factory and spit out millions of labels
