
  (Ep. 258)

テスラのAI担当であるアンドレア・カパーシーが2020年2月に、機械学習エンジニア向けのカンファレンス Scaled ML で行った講演の内容をもとに、ドウマさんが、テスラFSDの最近のイノベーションの一つであるBEVについて語ってくださっています。







































・ピラー( 側面から前方)×2











・AP自体は現在でも、HD2 HD2.5 搭載車上でも機能している。






・a map of everything の生成 (ベクトル・スペース上での)


















・とりあえずの結果を出す(Demo out)のであれば、geometryアプローチで先ず始めるのは、自然なことだった



・ジェネラル・デザイン・フィロソフィー 1.0と2.0





・最低でも画像のローテ―ションが必要(temporal moduleにおける)









・ここでは、図より visceral difference (直感的な違い)を把握してほしい。
















・when you get these cameras to cross-correlate against each other and cross-correlate against time

・BEVでシングル・フレームから生成されるアウトプットの精度 と

 BEVでタイム・コンポ―ネントを考慮して生成されるアウトプットの精度 を比べた場合












・small enough and sample efficient enough でなければならない







Tesla's Latest FSD Breakthrough: BEV Explained w/ James Douma (Ep. 258)



so this is the most recent talk that Karpathy's done that has a decent amount of detail in it


and so that's why if what you are interested in understanding what's FSD beta


how is it different from what AP was before the non-FSD version and where is it going


what have they changed then this is like a good reference for that


you looked into from Tesla's full self-driving code


did that match up with some of the stuff that karpathy was talking about in his talk



i'm not really looking at code so much


i'm looking at the architecture of the NNs


we sort of figured out a way to figure out what the architecture of the NNs


that they some of the NNs


the ones that aree really big in the car


it's also possible to look at the code


it's a lot harder to interpret what's going on in the code and


that's a pretty significant undertaking


whereas at least for me having looked at a bunch of these things


just looking at the shape of the NN


it's kind of a fingerprint


you look at the shape of the NN and it gives you a pretty good idea


of what they're trying to do with this NN


because different NNs are for different objectives


they have different shapes


because we've got a few different snapshots


we saw the NNs a couple of years ago


we saw them a year ago and so we can look at the evolution and get an idea about


what's working for Tesla what's not


what they're experimenting with




in karpathy’s talk he talked about Pseudo LiDAR image depth mapping and the overall architecture of Tesla FSD




the Karpathy in his talk he spends about the first half of it doing a general introduction to


what Tesla is doing like their development approach


for an audience the audience for this talk is people who know a lot about machine learning and who don't know very much about Tesla


so the first half he basically explains Tesla and your audience probably knows that part so i'd skip it


and then about halfway through he starts talking


and showing some examples of internal stuff that they're working on


that is recent developments in what they're doing and in particular i wanted to talk about things


that i thought were relevant to people's experience


and helping people understand what the NNs in AP are trying to do in particular


let's start with backbone here a minute


so this is a slide that shows one camera in the car conveys this


it takes an image that image gets a little bit of pre-processing


and then it feeds through the camera nets


and what karpathy here is describing as a backbone


and so this is basically a big NN


this just basically takes all these pixels


it processes them


looking at relationships between the pixels


according to the way that it's been trained


and then it squirts out a number of outputs


now he has three examples here


he shows moving objects


in this frame it's showing a box around a car


and then road lines and in this image


it's highlighting the lines in the center of the road markings


and then road edges


this output is the frame marked up showing where curve is here on the edge


these are examples of outputs


that a single backbone network on a single camera


might put out in the networks that are actually in the cars


we see anywhere from dozens to 100 of these outputs


depending on the camera obviously


the front camera side cameras they don't all look for exactly the same thing


they look for generally similar kinds of things


so that wasn't interesting


there's eight cameras


most of the driving is done with seven of the cameras


on the front of the car there are three cameras that look straight ahead


there's a fish eye which got almost 180 degree field of view


then there's what's called the main camera


which has about a 90 degree field of view it's a very recognizable field view


and they have narrow which is a telephoto view


it's looking well down the road narrow is interested in things that are a couple hundred feet down the road


main is interested in stuff that's close to the car within a couple of vehicle links


fisheye basically pulls in things from the side


if you're sitting in an intersection fisheye can also show you a certain amount to the left and to the right


so then there's four cameras on the sides of the car


there's two in the pillars that


basically look to the side and forward


then there's a set of repeater cameras which


repeater is the it's like a little turn signal indicator


that's on  the front fender of the car on the side of it


so the Tesla's they have a camera that looks backwards


from each side of the car


so that's seven cameras


three to the front


and then two on each side there's another camera


which sits above the license plate and


when you back up your car it's the camera that shows you the rear view


the NNs are also capable of using that well


you don't tend to see the rear view camera used in a lot of the NNs


for instance the BEVs are they're totally dominated by the other seven cameras





have you noticed over time Tesla incorporating more of the camera data views into their NNs




in early versions of AP


some years ago they were using like two of the front cameras for a really long time


and then they started incorporating the pillars


and then the repeaters came in


around the time


navigation on AP where it could start doing lane changes on its own


then it was really using all the cameras for the first time


really integrating everything


they've always done a lot of processing


on the front cameras


those are obviously really important to being able to drive the car


but the amount of work that they do on the side cameras


has increased a lot over the last 24 months or so


and so now all the cameras are basically have really big networks


and they're all doing a lot of processing but of course


there's three cameras to the front of the car


and some of the front cameras actually


have more than one backbone


they have multiple backbones that are specialized on different kinds of subsets


in this example Karpathy shows like


moving objects, road lines, and road edges


in the most recent version of networks


i saw they actually have completely different backbones for these big categories of objects


like they have a separate one


for moving objects


and a separate one for static stuff on the road and so on





Is this more of a HD3 thing


where the old hardware just probably couldn't process fast enough all of the camera data


or did you see in the old hardware also used of all of the cameras






Navigation on AP was deployed before HD3 came out


but they're probably pretty close together in time


now that AP actually works fine on the older on the hardware 2.5 and hardware 2 versions of the car


but the amount of stuff that i see in FSD networks is way out of old hardware


it's 20 times too big to run on the hardware 2.5 processor


so they're definitely not running that on hardware 2.5


but the all of the functions that I saw in networks up until I started seeing FSD networks


it seemed like it was being scaled so that it could fit in hardware 2.5


so now Karpathy in this talk


he leads up to an explanation of the BEV networks and


using a NN how to develop this BEV


Tesla has recently gone to asking the car to give it a map of everything


asking a NN to generate a map of everything (Vector space they call it)


that's around the car in one field


and previously they had perspective views


if you ask to PVs "show me where the cars are"


and it would show you in the cameras field of view


like here's a car here's a car here's a car by putting boxes around those


the BEV it asks the network to take a step back


imagine you were looking at the car from 100 feet up or 200 feet up


and imagine all the area around the car


and then asking the network


tell me where the cars and the pedestrians and the road lines and the curbs are


in this view (vector space derived view)


one of the first places that this became really valuable to Tesla


and a really good test bed for this is smart summon


so they have this advanced summon feature where you can


call the car to come to you from across a parking lot


in parking lots


it's really hard to tell


where the car is supposed to drive


they're not nearly as well delineated as driving on roads are


the car, the curbs can be in all of these complicated patterns


they wanted to do was


having the NN to tell me where is it safe to drive in the parking lot


and so he's talking in this section about how they tackled that problem


originally they had tackled that problem just with geometry


which is you have a camera and it's a projection onto the world


and you can use trigonometry to say


if i see the curb at this point in the picture (2D)


it must be at this position relative to the car in the real world


and they were using that to try to estimate


where the boundaries of


where it was safe to drive was


and they were getting that works pretty well


when you're really close to the car


but there's a lot of difference


if you look out the side of the car


it's pretty easy to tell when something is five feet from the car versus ten feet from the car


but when you're looking 40 feet from the car


and you're trying to tell if something is 40 versus 45 feet away


that's a lot harder to do


to understand that distance


the geometric approach wasn't doing it for them


when they switched using a NN for this BEV approach


they suddenly started getting much better results


so this is what the ground truth is 


in other words this is what it would actually look like on a map


and then here's what the geometric thing was showing us and it looks terrible


then here's what the BEV NN was telling us and


it's perfect it's like a really good match to the ground truth map


so you can see there what a leap forward it was


for them to step away from geometric approach to understanding the environment


having a NN take a bunch of camera views


and try to show what the world looks like






when they were doing this a smart summon was the expectation that


a geometric approach, geometry approach would actually work


and then as they hit limitations


they're trying to explore other solutions with NNs


and so was this like on the fly adaptations


we're trying to solve this problem and


we're throwing different things at it


and then the NNs came out to be the winner






it's a little of both


i think their expectation is that


in the long run the NNs will win a lot of this stuff


but in the short run


NNs are new and the best way to use a NN to solve a problem can be not very obvious


and a lot of the geometric techniques are mature


they've been around for a really long time so


if they need to do something today


an approach they can take is


use a geometric approach to just get going


and then you start trying different things with the NN


to figure out what the right way to do it with a NN is


and looking at how the different NNs evolved over time


my favorites was the windshield wiper thing


because every time I saw a NN


the windshield(フロントガラス) wiper network it had radically transformed


like it wasn't this arc


where they started with this


and then they gradually moved in some direction


it went all over the place they did all kinds of things


trying to get the windshield wiper to work


that was an example of where they didn't think it was going to be that hard


when they started out and then it turned out to be surprisingly hard


and they had a whole bunch of experiments


and then eventually they found something that worked pretty well for them


and that's what they're doing now



he talks a little bit about their general design philosophy here



now when they tried to do the NN


how did they change stuff that was in the car


so now what they want to do to be able to use the NN to solve this problem


to understand the thing


you need to rotate the view at minimum


you need to be able asking the camera what would I see from above


in the field of view that you've got


then you want to put all the cameras together(fusion)


because no camera can see all the way around the car


and because the cameras really overlap a lot in their fields of view


they can act as a check on each other


and check overlapping parts


because each camera wants to see a consistent view


and its edge has to be consistent with the adjacent camera


the cameras all together end up being a good consistency check for all of them


so essentially when you try to put them all together and make it make sense


the accuracy of everything gets a lot better


so then another thing that you can do


once you've integrated all the cameras into a scene (virtual mono camera)


it should also make sense across time


there's continuity between what i saw a second ago


and what i see now


and what i will see a second from now


so another consistency check that all these things can do is


i do my top down BEV


and now i want to stitch several seconds of those together and


ask them to cross check each other and


then my accuracy goes up again


and this is what you see them doing here


he's just got an example of five cameras here


one from the front and four on the sides


and then this is what we were looking at before that was the backbone


now this time the backbone isn't making these outputs down directly


instead what the backbone is doing is


it's extracting all these features


and it's feeding them into another NN that takes the output from the individual camera networks


and it makes a unified view


the unified view combines all of them together


the next stage is the temporal one


where you look at several unified views over time


like maybe eight frames


so you take the last eight synthesized views that you have


and you ask them to all be consistent


so you have a network that that cross-checks all of those against each other


(Temporal module)


one side effect you get of time is


now you can see moving objects


if you see a car moving from frame to frame to frame


one of the things that this network can output is


not only it can just tell you there's a car there


but also it can tell you what direction it's moving and how fast it's moving


the last thing you do is you ask it to rotate the view


so that you're looking down on the car


now that you've integrated all this stuff together


both across space and across time now we rotate the view


and then in the rotated view


now we ask it all the things we were asking it before


where are the pedestrians


where are the road signs


where are the road markings


curbs and so forth


now in the rest of these examples


karpathy is using curbs in the summon as an example


for what they're doing


you would tend to see these benefits across all the different kinds of things


that they were trying to do





this whole fusion of the different cameras into a BEV(vector space)


is this something you think that Tesla has pioneered with or


is this something that is growing more common with vision and NNs





Academics have been trying to do this for a little while


in the last couple of years


there has been several interesting papers out on BEV networks


my experience with looking at Tesla's networks is


i'll often look at the networks and i'll see some stuff going on


and then i'll go to the literature and i'll search for other people doing this


and i will frequently find that somebody just came out with a seminal paper on this topic


like six months or a year before Tesla did it


so they probably are innovating and


they're certainly adapting these ideas


typically what you see the research having been done on


is not exactly what Tesla wants to do


they'll be very similar


and this inspires Tesla to try something along those lines


and then they figure out how to adapt it to what they're trying to do





you've got this fusion BEV and


then it seems Karpathy is saying that they're relying on this BEV


increasingly more over time to drive


how do you think they're managing these two views


meaning you have the old kind of forward-facing view


then you have this newer kind of BEV


when do you rely on the BEV versus when do you rely on the old forward-facing view


is there some type of switching going on or


do they have to match up or how does the logic work with that





AP's a product that's in development it has an arc


they do lots and lots of small revisions that they push out to the fleet


and for the most part what they do is they introduce new functionality


and then they gradually refine it over time


so we're at a point in time right now


where they still have all the outputs that they got from those backbone nets


that were on the original cameras


and they had a bunch of code that they developed


because they didn't used to have the BEV stuff


so they had some relatively mature functionality


that was using those capabilities


and they probably still have it in there


for instance you saw that


in the original backbone thing for instance


they have a moving object's output


like one of those would be cars


but identifying other vehicles that are on the road


is a big feature that these networks develop


so they had a function that was working reasonably well for quite a while


that they had developed to some level of refinement


now they bring in the BEV network approach(Vectpr space approach)


now the BEV network is answering the same question in a sense


but what you don't see is Tesla immediately throwing away the old way of doing it


and moving to the new one


because in the beginning the old one is going to be pretty competitive


because it's fairly refined and the new one is going to have some bugs


and it's going to have some accuracy limitations


as you use the new one more


it's going to get better


and once it gets good enough that the old one isn't really adding value anymore


then you can drop it


and so a lot of features end up being doing this thing


where you had the version that you were doing


before you come out with the new one


and gradually this new one gets better and better and better


and eventually "okay we don't need to waste our time on this anymore"


and then it comes out


and they're simultaneously doing this with a lot of different functions


at any given point in time


so every snapshot you see some things that are have been thrown away


some things that are brand new and being tried out


and some things are in a transition in between


that's what we're seeing right now with BEV nets


BEV nets are showing their success


at being able to do this and so they're doing more and more things with the BEV nets


they're adding more BEV nets and they're pulling more of the value out


i haven't yet seen them deprecate old stuff


but that's would be a function of when the BEV nets were doing it so well that you didn't need it anymore


there will be some things


that the BEV nets won't be good at doing


like they can't tell you how tall a bridge is that you're coming up on


there's some things that just require that vertical point of view


and there will be other things too


for instance in the BEV net


you can't tell the slope of the ground


so if you're driving around a curve and


the road is banked or counter banked


you don't see that in the BEV net


so that's something you always have to do in the camera view(2D)



we talked about the architecture here


they have


the backbones


they feed into a fusion layer


they make it sense across time


then they do the top down view,  the BEV view


now they're pulling the objects out


so this is where Karpathy is showing the success of this method


in the specific case of predicting where curbs and parking lots are


this is the ground truth


so you got a map of the parking lot


which maybe you pre-mapped it or maybe you got this from google


this is what the geometry is telling them about where the curbs are


so you can see this is where the car is


it's this blue dot


and the stuff that's nearby it's not too bad


it's useful within one or two car links


you can tell what you don't want to run into


but it's not very helpful


not very good at helping you understand the shape of this intersection that you're coming to


and not very good at like what your options are for navigating it


because as you get farther away from the car


things get closer to the horizon line


the uncertainty of the positioning gets to be really large


and then this is the output of the NN(BEV=Vector space) and


while you can see that the NN is not a perfect representation of the ground truth


it's got all the important features


and this was a fairly early version of the BEV net


that they had developed in particular for summon


what i see in the FSD version of the BEV networks that i was looking at


was lots and lots of this BEV net getting used


they're using BEV nets everywhere


what i wanted to try to give you here was a sense of the visceral difference in the two


imagine this


if you're here in this car


and you're trying to decide okay i want to make a left turn


what do i need to do over the next five seconds


you look at this it's not too tough


i need to turn wide enough to miss this curb


and i want to end up going about this way


if you go over to this ( geometry ) scene and you try to answer that question


this is almost not useful


in other words the level of uncertainty that you get


just trying to predict these things from the camera views themselves


is large enough that you just can't even make sense of the shape of the network


so this is the basic what you get with that basic geometric approach


now you could refine this


you could keep working on the basic geometric approach


and you could get better at it by putting things in


but when they took the problem away from geometry and


they gave it to a BEV network and they told it


the constraints are like


whatever one camera sees has to make sense for another camera


these objects, this space needs to be continuous and make sense


and as you move through the scene it needs to be continuous and make sense


when you get these cameras to cross-correlate against each other


and cross-correlate against time


all of a sudden your accuracy gets dramatically better


and in this case you can see the differences


basically this center image might not be perfect but it's usable


they went from something that was totally unusable


which they'd worked on a long time they had summon working in parking lots for a while


before they went to the BEV nets




so that BEV view in the middle


looks like almost exactly the same as the ground truth


how much of that is based upon using the BEV net over time


over a few seconds versus


just like let's say a standstill frame


are they able to get that type of accuracy with just a single frame


or is that because they're able to see it over a few seconds time





so there are two components to that question


say the car wasn't moving


you turn on the car


it's sitting in one spot


it looks out


what is it going to see at this intersection


so you haven't had any motion


it's probably not going to be as good as this but it's not going to be bad




when you are stopped at an intersection


you don't get to use the time component nearly as much of orienting yourself in the world


but it does add some value


it's going to make the network more accurate


when the car drives through a scene and it sees a curb move


from the distance into the foreground and slide past


that has to have a kind of consistency to it


in how it moves through


it shouldn't jerk


it should keep track with the motion of the car


so relying on that motion consistency does allow AP to make a bet


to be a better judge at any moment in time


where that curb is or that object actually is


but the place that really has a benefit is


when you train these things


as soon as you start training that temporal layer


your training material has to have time in it


so this is when Elon was talking about training in 4D


the 3D is including the BEV the top down look


we know where all these objects are in space


and we're testing against that


and the 4D is time


where we start stitching these frames together


that predicting the time dimension for the NN is really hard


and when it gets good at that


it's really good at the static frames






autonomy day in 2019


did they mention BEV much at all


at that presentation because we fast forward to February of 2020


andre Karpathy’s scaled ml and


he's basically saying hey this is the big thing


we're building a lot of this stuff on


but on autonomy day did they have that type of conviction


back then or is it something you think


in between that today







They didn't talk about it at autonomy day for sure


I don't think they talked about it


that the literature doesn't seem to have used this terminology


much before a couple of years ago


but so Tesla obviously had done a significant amount of internal development of this


by February of 2020


so they must have started working on it


in some capacity around mid-2019 or something


and it was around mid-2018 that this started becoming a popular topic out


in fact in 2019 you do see a bunch of papers come out so


they probably knew generally that they wanted autonomous car


NN circles you can go way back and people knew that


if you integrated time


it was going to be super valuable


they just didn't know how to do it


what's the right way to do it and


they've known for a long time that


if you integrated multiple cameras together


that was going to be really valuable


because there's a way the NNs can cross check themselves


the camera NNs and you have to bring all this stuff together


and make it make sense


it challenges all the networks to get a lot better and


once they all get a lot better


then the unified view starts to get really good


we've known for a long time that


this needed to happen


it just wasn't clear what the right way to do it


there are these brute force approaches that you can take


where it's definitely got all the inputs it needs


you just put a giant NN on it


and you just process it and you train everything against everything else


and google did some early experiments several years ago


getting a huge cloud of computers


and asking them to do this really hard thing


proved that certain things were possible but they weren't practical on that scale


because you need billions of hours of training


so to make it useful in the real world


you want to figure out what do I not need to look at


what is essential to helping the NN understand this thing


that needs to understand to do a good job of this


and what's not important


and so you gradually whittle away all the things you don't have to do


and you get a NN that's small enough and sample efficient enough


is like how much data does it take to train this function


it's got to be a reasonable number and


how much computation does it take


that's going to be reasonable


we can use a big data center


but we can't use a thousand big data centers


there are limits


it's like the trying to brute force the game of go


it seems pretty small it's a 19 by 19 board but


they're more go positions than our atoms in the universe


i forget like dozens of orders of magnitude


there are problems that don't seem very hard


but you simply can't brute force them


you have to constrain the problem a certain amount


before it starts to be tractable


that was one of the problems and it continues to be a problem


with this whole getting a computer to understand that the world is 3D


brute forcing that problem has been intractable


google did a couple of really interesting things


some guys at google brain did some really interesting things


where they just brute force


they've made a little cartoon world


they really dumbed it down


which still has spheres and cones


and they wanted to train NN


and you would show it one view of the world


and you would ask it


what would it look like from this other angle


where you would give it an arbitrary angle


and the amazing thing was they got it to work


it took a significant amount of computation and it was very brute force


but they showed that the NN will eventually figure that stuff out if the information is there


but the approach that they took


nobody tried to duplicate that in any product


because it just takes too much data


and the world has to be too simple for it to work


so where's the good middle ground


where it's computationally tractable


it's a reasonable size NN and a reasonable size amount of data and training time


but it works in the real world


it deals with all of the complexity of the of the real world


and that's been the challenge


it's just been in the last couple of years


that people have come up with techniques


where this started to produce results


that were significantly better than what we could do before


for a long time they've been able to muddle along


but why do this super complicated technique


that isn't getting you better results


and now they're doing these complicated techniques


that are getting dramatically better results


and that's one of the things you see in this slide


you can see there's a dramatic difference between


what they were getting with the geometric technique that was a dominant approach before


and what they're getting now 


and once again you look at the ground truth


it's not perfect but it's a pretty good facsimile of that


and it's a dramatic improvement over what they had before